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Meet TW Harvey

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Dr. Tom Harvey is a retired Associate Professor of Finance at Ashland (O.) University. He had a career in commercial banking prior to teaching at Ashland and published two books, “Quality Value Banking: Effective Management Systems that Increase Earnings, Lower Costs, and Provide Competitive Customer Service,” with Janet L. Gray, and “The Banking Revolution: Positioning Your Bank in The New Financial Services Marketplace.” Further, he had articles published in both practitioner and academic journals.


At Ashland, he founded and directed the Eagle Investment Group, a student-managed investment management program. The students were responsible for managing over $1 million of the university’s endowment and did so quite effectively.


His research centered on the behavior of the financial services industry that led to the Financial Crisis of 2008 and on the resource-based view of the firm.


Prior to teaching at Ashland, Dr. Harvey spent twenty-six years in financial planning and control at two major commercial banks in the Cleveland, Ohio area. His main responsibilities centered on merger and acquisition activity.


Dr. Harvey has always been fascinated by the history of the United States and was grateful to have the opportunity to begin detailed study while researching and writing the trilogy, “My Family in the Civil War” that is based on the letters found some 30 years ago.


He was born and raised in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. He graduated from Hillsdale College with a BA in English, from Case Western Reserve University with an MBA in Finance, from Cleveland State University with a doctorate in management and strategy and did post doctorate work at the University of California, Berkeley.

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